Hello, and welcome to the Underside, the place of shadows and old gum and whatever you stepped in back there! We are the same as all the popular surface fluff you are used to—your favorite tv shows and novels, pop music and Youtubers—but the other side of it. Our perspective here is a little, uh… skewed.
So who am I? Best place to start is my website. Now, granted, that’s a very topside site. It’s straightforward; it tells things like it appears. It’s also mostly static. Any updates? Here first. New stories and posts? Here. Your long lost cousin who never returned from fishing in the Bermuda Triangle? Possibly here, haven’t look everywhere yet.
Another good place to check out: my Facebook page. If this Substack is the underside, and the website is the topside, then the FBP is the rim on the edge, the sidewall, the pizza crust of me. Some savor it, others throw it away. You could also follow me on my recently-resurrected Twitter @lukevans12. Neither is necessary to enjoy this site! Although, by all means follow so you don’t miss any goodies or insights.
So, what’s the point? Stories! Fiction, narratives, poetry, serials, shorts, maybe even novels. What do you like? I might do it! Unless it’s a screenplay. Or music. Or a play. Or hard-hitting, well-researched articles about finance or politics or technology or whatever else makes real money nowadays. Those you can find elsewhere. This is entertainment. [Smug face]
At Underside Stories, we focus on fiction. And we welcome interaction. What did you like about the story? What did you hate? Was it simply great or the greatest of all time? Where did you stop reading? What more would you like to see? Do you want an explanation, a sequel, a better ending, a post-credit scene, a memory scrub, a date with the protagonist? Good news! You can submit all those wishes right here!
And I promise to [redacted] your [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted]!
Okay, so you want some proof. Fine. Like science fiction? Try here. Like fantasy/horror/fairy tale retellings? Try here. Like poetry? Are you sure? Okay, try here and here.
Now. It’s time to subscribe. See you [dramatic pause] on the Underside.
I'm super glad you're doing this! How cool!
It seems you have a very busy pen that creates in a lot of genres!